1 | 将剩余各本给予文康市政司所选定之任何公共文化或教育机构,或酌情以其他方法处理之。 | Give the remaining copies of the book to any public cultural or educational body as he may select or otherwise dispose of them in such other manner as he thinks fit. | |
2 | 接受方可以在收到终止合同通知后天内处理其手中的和正在加工中的合同产品。 | Licensee may dispose of the Contract Products covered by the Contract which are on hand or in process at the time notice of termination is received for a period of ____days after notice of termination. | |
3 | 她打算以最懒散、不干任何正经事的方式来自由支配她的时间。 | She has been allowed to dispose of her time in the most idle and frivolous manner | |
4 | 她和其他同样成功的“超级女性”一起,成为那些数百万名或许没挣那么多钱、但仍极为自如地花钱买自己所爱的女性仿效的榜样。 | She has been joined by other established Superwoman as the role models for millions of women who may be less well rewarded but who still feel gloriously free to dispose of their incomes exactly how they like | |
5 | 经权利人追认或者无处分权的人订立合同后取得处分权的,该合同有效。 | Such contract is nevertheless valid once the person with the power to its disposal has ratified the contract, or if the person lacking the power to dispose of it when the contract was concluded has subsequently acquired such power. | |
6 | 警告:不要将电池放入火中,以免引起爆炸。 | Warning: Never dispose of batteries in a fire because they may explode. | |
7 | 壳牌是如何帮助用户处理废润滑油和润滑脂的? | How does Shell help customers dispose of waste oil and greases? | |
8 | 买新钢琴之前,我们最好把那架旧的处理掉。 | Before buying a new piano, we’d better dispose of the old one | |
9 | 你必须把垃圾清除掉。 | You must dispose of the garbage | |
10 | 你打扫车库的时候,请把那几堆旧报纸处理掉。 | While you are cleaning out the garage, please dispose of those piles of old newspapers. | |
11 | 你给遗嘱下了一个简明的定义。中国的继承法规定公民可以依照该规定立遗嘱处置个人财产。 | Well, you give a brief and clear definition of will. China’s Law of Succession stipulates that a citizen may dispose of his property by means of a will in accordance with the provisions of the law. | |
12 | 你还有2天才上班,你可以随意支配(安排)这段时间。 | You have two days before you start working. You can dispose of the time in any way you like | |
13 | 你能把这些旧报纸都处理掉吗? | Can you dispose of all these old newspapers? | |
14 | 签署本协议的各位股东同意,他们将不出售、转让、过户,或者处置他们任何人所有的股份。 | The undersigned shareholders agree that they will not sell,assign, transfer,or otherwise dispose of the shares of stock owned by any of them. | |
15 | 前两款所列货物不宜长期保存的,海关可以根据实际情况提前处理。 | where goods listed in the preceding two paragraphs are not suitable for storage over a long period, the Customs may, according to actual circumstances, dispose of them before the time limit is reached. | |
16 | 请你留你的记录或作适当处理 | Please retain for your records or dispose of thoughtfully | |
17 | 请正确处理电池,不要把它们丢进火.中或置于高温中。 | Dispose of batteries properly. Do not throw them into fire or expose to high temperature. | |
18 | 任何数目的人均可注册为船舶的联名船东或该船舶份额或部分的联名拥有人,但这类联名船东或联名拥有人无权将所拥有的权益分开脱手;及 | any number of persons may be registered as joint owners of a ship or of any share in or part of the ship, but any such joint owner is not entitled to dispose of his interest in severalty; | |
19 | 任何滞留物,如未取得甲方谅解,均视为放弃,任凭甲方处置,乙方决无异议。 | Any belongings left in it without Party A’s previous understanding will be deemed to be abandoned by Party B. In this situation, Party A has the right to dispose of it and Party B will raise no objection. | |
20 | 如果接受方生产的合同产品的质量、试样不符合许可方的要求而导致合同终止,接受方不得再生产、出售、处理任何合同产品。 | Licensee shall not manufacture, sell or dispose of any Contract Products covered by this Contract after its expiration or its termination based on departure by Licensee from the quality and style approved by Licensor. | |
21 | 如果你给我们代理权,我们就能售出大量的货物。 | We could dispose of large quantities if you would give us an agency | |
22 | 如能将该商品以最高价出售,我们不胜感激。 | Kindly oblige us by dispose of same at the best possible price. | |
23 | 如需进一步了解我们是如何帮助您更加有效处理您的废油和废脂的,请联系您当地的客户服务中心。 | Please contact your local customer service centre to find out how we can help you dispose of your waste oil and grease more effectively. | |
24 | 丧偶妇女有权处分继承的财产,任何人不得干涉。 | Widowed women have the right to dispose of the property inherited by them, and no one may interfere with the disposition thereof. | |
25 | 虽然我们知道水是生命之源,但却早就开始把这些河、湖、港口当做了下水道--一个处理废物的地方。 | Although we know water is the source of life, we started using these rivers, lakes and harbors as our sewers-as the place to dispose of our garbage | |
26 | 所有权构成控制或处置财产或所有权的合法权力的所有要素同时符合的条件 | The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim. | |
27 | 他被迫处理(卖)掉了自己的艺术珍藏. | He was forced to dispose of (ie sell)his art treasures. | |
28 | 他被迫处理掉自己的艺术珍藏。 | He was forced to dispose of his art treasures. | |
29 | 他不想处理那块地。 | He doesn’t want to dispose of the land. | |
30 | 他不想处置(卖)掉那块地。 | He doesn’t want to dispose of the land |